Win football tickets!
The main reason you tune in to Tootell & Nuanez each weekday afternoon is because you love the wise words and soothe sounds that emanate from the co-hosts lips.
But we all know winning prizes is a close, close No. 2.
That’s why we’re excited to announce that this coming Montana football season we’ll be giving out game tickets like they’re federal subpoenas.
It’s too early to say how our Grizzlies will fare in their 2018-19 campaign; but we do know that with the re-installment of Bobby Hauck and company on the sidelines attendance WILL be up. That means game tickets are hotter than ever, and so whether you’re actually want to check out the action or you’re just trying to win a few new friends you’re definitely going to want to try your luck at winning a pair.
Here’s how it works:
•Tune in to T&T for three straight days starting the Monday before a Saturday home game
•Be on the listen throughout the shows for our “Word of the Day”, and when you hear it jot it down
•On the Thursday before the game, be ready to call us when prompted at 329-1899 with ALL THREE words collected from the prior three days
•First person to get through and deliver all three words in a sentence wins!
We’ll also post the “Word of the Day” on our Facebook page, so be sure to follow us there.
And whether you make it in for the home opener or not, be sure to tune in to the show all season long for more ticket giveaways! The rules may change but one thing will remain the same: that aforementioned wisdom and soothe soothsaying …
Tootell & Nuanez, Missoula’s only LIVE daily sports talk, airs weekdays from 4-6 pm on 102.9 FM. Don’t miss it!
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