3 results for tag: Lady Griz
In the fifth installment of the nine-part “Tee It Up” television series, Shaun Rainey & Ben Wineman of ABC/Fox Montana and SWX along with Ryan Tootell & Colter Nuanez of ESPN Missoula are joined by
Lady Griz head coach Shannon Schweyen at the Missoula Country Club.
In the first installment of the nine-part "Tee It Up" series featuring Shaun Rainey of ABC/Fox Montana and SWX and Ryan Tootell & Colter Nuanez of ESPN Missoula are joined by legendary former Montana
Lady Griz head coach Robin Selvig at Canyon River Golf Club in East Missoula.
The Montana State women's basketball team made history last season when it swept Montana for the first time since 1999.
The two-game triumph marked just the fourth time MSU won both match-ups since the rivalry started in 1974, and the Bobcats went on to win the Big Sky tournament and punch their first ticket to the NCAA ...