Cat-Griz Giveaway Deets:

grizcatgiveawayphotoWe’re giving away a pair of tickets to see the Montana Grizzlies take on the Montana State Bobcats Saturday, Nov. 19, at Washington-Grizzly Stadium.

How do you qualify? It’s simple: Be on the lookout every day next week for our “102.9 ESPN Poll of the Day” – and when you answer, you’re in! We’ll pick our final winner on Friday.

So … how do you answer the poll question? There’s three different ways:

  1. Call in to the Tootell & Tucker sports talk show, which runs LIVE every weekday from 4-6 pm. The phone number is 329-1899, and whether you make it on the air or not we’ll still throw your name into the hat!
  2. Answer the poll question on our 102.9 ESPN Facebook page. The question will be posted each weekday morning and you’ll have 24 hours to post your answer.
  3. Message us on Twitter @1029ESPN. Again, we’ll post the question each morning and give you 24 hours to respond.

Best of luck to ya! For more details, tune in weekday to Tootell & Tucker, Missoula’s only LIVE local sports talk show – 4-6 pm on 102.9 ESPN.

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