2 results for day: 01/08/2018

“It’s given everything to me”: Oropesa’s long baseball journey continues with Osprey

By ANDREW HOUGHTON For ESPN MISSOULA The Philadelphia Phillies opened the 2001 season on April 2 in Miami against the Marlins. For most of the roster, it was a welcome chance to start the season away from the icy spring in Southeastern Pennsylvania, where temperatures were hovering in the 40s. For 29-year-old rookie reliever Eddie Oropesa, it was the biggest stroke of luck on his winding, nearly decade-long journey to the majors. ... More

“Tee It Up” No. 8 — Voices of the Bobcats & Grizzlies

In the eighth installment of the nine-part “Tee It Up” television series, Shaun Rainey and Ben Wineman of ABC/Fox Montana & SWX along with Ryan Tootell & Colter Nuanez of ESPN Missoula are joined by the Voice of the Bobcats Jay Sanderson and the Voice of the Grizzlies Riley Corcoran at the Larchmont Golf Club in ... More